Digging a little bit through Google searches turns up some interesting things sometimes:
U.S. Investigates Voting Machines’ Venezuela Ties (Published 2006)The inquiry is focusing on the Venezuelan owners of a software company that last year took over a leading American manufacturer of electronic voting systems.
* pdf - July 6, 2010
Via Email (john.wack@nist.gov and uocava-voting@nist.gov)
Technical Guidelines Development Committee
and Its UOCAVA Working Group
c/o National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive, Building 101
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899-8900
Comments for July 8-9, 2010 TGDC meeting and to Security
Considerations for Remote Electronic UOCAVA Voting, Draft White Paper for the TGDC (by TGDC UOCAVA Working Group), regarding Internet Voting and EAC proposed UOCAVA pilot program voting system testing and certification requirements and manual
States have used taxpayer money to buy systems from vendors with close past and/or present ties to…By Jennifer Cohn @jennycohn1
January 28, 2018
* Santa Clara County contract with Dominion (2018)
* A bit conspiratorial - but from Nov 8 - accusations and info on CIA project The Hammer including whistleblower info - also info on Dominion -
The 2020 Stolen Election by the CIA and Dominion Voter Systems - Hammer & ScorecardCIA supercomputer system known as the Hammer with its application Scorecard was deployed to steal the 2020 election from President Trump as it was done earlier to help Obama and Biden.
* From 2017 - history on Dominion and Smartmatic included.
Voting Technology Companies in the U.S. - Their Histories and Present ContributionsLONDON, ENGLAND / ACCESSWIRE / August 10, 2017 / Throughout history, the institution of democracy has flourished and changed to maintain alignment with popular ideologies and new technology. With such a crucial institution of democracy, it is important to understand the companies behind U.S. elections and to know their histories and present contributions. According to a recent study by the Penn Wharton Public Policy Initiative, the U.S.
* Questionable source (site very new and focused specifically oelection 2020 - article just recently published - no about info on site easily accessible - doesn't mean bad source, just that info needs to be carefully vetted), but links to other material may prove interesting:
Smartmatic and Dominion voting machines used to rig the 2004 Venezuela elections? by duongluong on Headlines 360
* Perhaps more to come later....